The Holidays are approaching and the Tax Year is quickly coming to an end. As you make your year-end Charitable Contributions., please consider Volta Hope Children's Home. Volta Hope is a 501c3 organization that was established to provide a loving home for children who are orphaned, deserted, or sold into child slavery.  Donations can be made by clicking on the donate button on the website or by check payable to Volta Hope, Inc. and mailed to Volta Hope, Inc.  26 Cobblestone Terrace, Montville, NJ. 07045.  All donors will receive a receipt for their donation to document their contribution for the IRS.  THANK YOU. 

What We’re Doing

Volta Hope is now a 501c3 Charity and we are now able to receive your Tax Deductible donations. 


Sponsor a Child

Child trafficking to Cocoa Farms, Fisheries, Mines, Quarries, Street vending and Domestic labor has become a common practice in Ghana for parents who find themselves in financial need.

Our Mission


We are providing a loving home for Ghanaian Orphans, Trafficked and Deserted children where they will be educated to grow with physical health, mental ability, emotional stability, vocational skills, good citizenship and multicultural expertise. Through this education and experience, they can learn to be responsible adults who can both care for their own families and pay forward what they have learned and achieved to help others.

When you Sponsor a Child at Volta Hope Children’s Home, the money goes to support that Child and not to Administration.  Your Child will know that you are contributing to their welfare and support.  The Director or the Child will write to you to provide updates on their progress in school, a current photograph and to share events in their life.   Any return